Sunday, April 2, 2017

Growth Mindset: Positivity

I really liked the message of this video. Basically, it explained how we are naturally wired to focus in on the negative things going on around us. But we can help our brains counter this by being mindful of the positive things going on around us. Making these constant efforts to re-train our brains to be on the look-out for positive attributes and situations, rather than negative ones. I decided to include a slide from the video as my image, and I found it important to share. I look forward to really working on things on this list this week!
I hope you try these this week as well!!

Video by Harvard Education YouTube link here


  1. I am a pessimist, and I always plan and think about the worst outcome possible. So I can understand the struggle of helping ourselves see the positive. I know there are a lot of positive and negative out in the world. It's balanced and that's why we have karma. It is what we do, and how we turn around what we are given to help ourselves that matter: the good and the bad.

    1. I too am working on a few of those things outlined in that list. Finding positive in all things, exercising. I need to let myself take time to myself to help rejuvenate my body, mind, and spirit. I plan to meditate and help myself stay calm and collected as we finish out the semester and we walk closer to our future careers.
