Sunday, April 9, 2017

Reading Notes: Seven Secrets from Hindu Calendar Art (film) Part A

Part A: Ganesha, People see god differently

Father: Shiva
Mother: Parvati
2 Sons: Ganesha and Kartikeya

Elements that I liked
-I really liked that during the race around world, that Ganesha only runs around his parents and claims that they are his whole world. I thought the description of how one perceives the world was a great description.
-How Hindu is compared to other religions. Before this course, I did not know much about Hindu before this class- but now I feel like I understand a lot more, which I hope will make me more understanding and accommodating.
-I agree with Mr. Pattanik that our society is laking in empathy. I liked the quote "Empathy is sorely lacking in modern times. Everything is judged. Everything is measured."  --> not all things can be explained.
-That Shiva and Parvati are equals. And that both a man and woman need to be present in order for something to be complete.
-The elephant head meaning power
-rat symbol of problems of life

I was really drawn to this image in the film 

I would like to write a story this week about these 4 characters, and maybe do a modern twist on them. I could see them all in a car going on a road trip, and the parents teaching their sons these important life lessons that they each embody.

Bibliography: Seven Secrets from Hindu Calendar Art by Devdutt Pattanaik
Watch on Youtube here

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